It stands to reason that as this is “the blog of a trinity 6th former” it should come to an end when my time at 6th form does. So I'm going to say now that I’ll ignore this blog after the Prom (after writing a final blog about it and then a final sign-off)
I’ll then start a new one on Live Journal, as I’m using that more than ever now for other reasons, and leave this one to rot like i did the old MSN spaces one, although i will link back to them if i can. (but could i care less about past blogs that I'm no longer writing to? the answer: no and neither does anyone else, so i might not bother)
I haven't decided on my nickname for that blog yet, as i know already that Aquatix and Force_Gaia are taken (yes, I’ve already tried them and it appears that they weren't as original and unique as i thought they would be)
I might try and make this next one last a bit longer, and also make more regular entries, as this one kept suffering spurts of entries rather than a continuous flow. (although it does depend on my workload)
It should also have a more optimistic outlook on things, rather than the “I've had some shit recently” like this one did (how long that will last is anyone's guess)
but I'll get to that in mid-july/ beginning of august time that send everyone there instead