Friday, 12 June 2009

A Life With Less Maths, That’s My Futurama

I’ve finally done it! As of today I no longer have any formal maths lessons, due to the fact I had my last maths A-Level exams today I’m able to get rid of maths from my timetable altogether, so now I have a negotiated absence set for every Tuesday morning, 3 hours free on Friday morning, and the ability to go home at lunch on Wednesday. I say “formal lessons” only because I might have to attend some of the next Y12’s lessons to brush up on the bits I’m useless at, but that’s only if my exam results aren’t up to par.

Recently, my mum got a Sky subscription, so I’ve been able to watch more of the TV that I wasn’t able to watch much of on Freeview, namely The Crystal maze reruns, Robot wars (which has sadly left bravo 2, hopefully not for long) and some others. The main program that I’m watching more of is Futurama (yes, I prefer it to The Simpsons, although I’ll still watch that), I’d liked what I’d seen of it on CH4 but never got into a routine of watching it, or was simply not awake to watch it, now I’m watching it on Sky1 at 6 pm every night; because of this I’ve become a bit of a fan, and I’ve spent the last 4 hours customizing my PC with a desktop wallpaper (which wasn’t of the best visual quality, so I spent about an hour fixing it) and system sounds (the searching for and editing of which took 3 hours). I still haven’t got around to making icons yet, although I have a few from themes I downloaded while looking for sounds that might do the job.