IT’S FINALLY HAPPENED! My computer has been built and is running like a dream except for the occasional hiccup, but that’s the same with any PC.
I went over to the friend who’d be helping me do it at about 11am, where after a trip to the shops, we set out building the beast.
Before we could start building we needed to remove all the old parts and vacuum the case, ready for the new parts.
After cleaning we built the computer as we’d expected to do so, fitting the CPU, RAM and drives to the motherboard, then attaching the Graphics card and Power supply. This is as far as our luck went, the problems started from here on.
We installed windows as we had expected to. We installed it on the new SATA hard disk I’d bought but we had also fitted my old IDE Hard disk as it was still big enough to be of some use. 3 hours after installing XP we discovered that the installer had installed windows on the SATA drive (as we had told it to), but it had seen the IDE drive as the first drive and so had put the boot data on that drive instead of the intended target (not what we wanted). So after we thought we’d sorted everything, we set out having to re-install XP but with the added challenge of having to get it so that it wouldn’t use the IDE drive. We ended up removing the IDE drive, reinstalling XP, then re-formatting the IDE drive from within the XP installer; this meant all the time we’d taken sorting out the computer after installing the OS had been wasted as this meant that we had to wipe the drives and start form scratch.
After getting it installed properly and the drivers installed properly, we put my computer aside as it was getting late and I could do the rest on my own, we also had to see to my mums computer.
The only problems I've had with it were a reluctance to install XP Service pack 3, a couple of graphics problems (but that was my own doing, I'd set it to a setting incompatible with one of my games), and that fact that the front audio ports wouldn’t work without be mucking about with a setting. Luckily they were all easily fixed.
The computer isn’t top-of-the-range, but it’s a damn sight better than the crap you can buy off the shelf for the same amount of money which are lower spec in regards to CPU, RAM and graphics and have vista and a load of manufacturer crap installed on them. As it is now my computer blasts through all of my current games, reaching about 130 frames per second on guildwars at maximum detail; against the 15-32 fps that my old system could manage, and that wasn’t even at full detail. So overall I’m ecstatic with my new system.